1340098. Biology and mariculture of giant clams: A workshop held in conjunction with the 7th International Coral Reef Symposium, 21-26 June 1992, Guam, USA/ J. A. H. Benzie, J. H. Norton, M. A. Shepherd... ; Ed.: William K. Fitt.- Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, 1993.- 154 p.: ill.; 24 cm.- (ACIAR proceedings) Bibliogr. at the end of the researchs ISBN: 1863200959 (Ngao; Nuôi trồng thuỷ sản; Sinh thái; ) [Vai trò: Benzie, J. A. H.; Fitt, William K.; Long, H. M.; Norton, J. H.; Prior, H. C.; Shepherd, M. A.; ] DDC: 639.44 /Nguồn thư mục: [NLV]. |
1344380. Giant clams in the sustainable development of the South Pacific: Socioeconomic issues in mariculture and conservation/ C. Tisdell (ed.), K. Menz, V. Vuki....- Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, 1992.- vii, 275 p.: ill.; 24 cm.- (ACIAR monograph) Bibliogr. at the end of the research. - App.: p. 275 ISBN: 1863200754 (Bảo tồn; Kinh tế; Ngao; Nuôi trồng thuỷ sản; Phát triển bền vững; ) [Thái Bình Dương; ] [Vai trò: Menz, K.; Pollock, N. J.; Tacconi, L.; Tisdell, C.; Vuki, V.; ] DDC: 338.371440996 /Nguồn thư mục: [NLV]. |
1640229. A typology of mariculture production systems and their profitability in selected sites in the Philippines/ Alice Joan G. Ferrer.- Phillippines: EEPSEA, 2017.- 34 p.: ill. (color); 30 cm. ISBN: 9786218041592 Tóm tắt: This is repost introduce about typology of mariculture production systems and their profitability in selected sites in the Philippines. (Mariculture; Khoanh nuôi thủy sản; ) |Khoanh nuôi thủy sản; Economic aspects; Khía cạnh kinh tế; | [Vai trò: Ferrer, Alice Joan G.; ] DDC: 639.8 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1716673. MCVEY, JAMES P. Handbook of mariculture. Vol.1: Crustacean aquaculture/ James P. McVey.- Boca Raton, Florida: CRC, 2000.- 441 p.; 21 cm. Tóm tắt: This extensively revised and updated Second Edition focuses on growout systems that have contributed to the production success of shrimp farms and systems worldwide. Topics covered include methods for the culture and preparation of algae, rotifers, Artemia, and other foodstuffs for use in crustacean farms; recent developments on enriching larval food organisms to improve crustacean diets; conditioning and spawning penaeid shrimp; obtaining and manipulating shrimp eggs and sperm for controlled reproduction and use of intensive nursery raceways for juvenile shrimp production; and discussions of many types of marine shrimp growout systems. In addition, culture systems used in Hawaii, Ecuador, Taiwan, and Japan are described in detail. Significant new information from Japan on hormonal control of penaeid shrimp maturation and spawning is discussed. Marine shrimp and Macrobrachium shrimp diseases by the foremost authorities in the area are presented with detailed photographs and illustrations to help identify diseases. The book also includes an update on American lobster larval and juvenile culture. (Aquaculture; Nuôi trồng thủy sản; ) |Nghề cá; | DDC: 639.63 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1659137. SENA S. DE SILVA Tropical mariculture/ Edited by Sena S. De Silva.- San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1998.- 487 p.; 22 cm. ISBN: 0122108450 Tóm tắt: The topics covered are wide and varied, ranging from general issues such as the impact of mariculture on coastal ecosystems to genetic improvement of cultured marine species, as well as the specifics of breeding selected marine species of current importance, such as groupers and sea bass. Significant coverage is also given to the problems of larval rearing in inland aquaculture as well as the demands of water- and land-based resources in a tropical environment. This book will be essential for everyone working in and researching tropical mariculture. (Mariculture; ) |Nuôi trồng hải sản; | DDC: 639.8 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1723079. Chemicals used in mariculture: Technical report/ prepared under ICES Working Group, Environmental Interactions of Mariculture, and compiled by D.J. Alderman ... [et al.]..- Copenhagen, Denmark: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 1994.- 96 p.; 30 cm. Tóm tắt: The report provides a presentation of chemicals used in mariculture (Chemicals; Mariculture; Veterinary drugs; Nuôi trồng hải sản; ) |Hóa chất; Thuốc thú y; | [Vai trò: Alderman, D. J.; ] DDC: 639.8 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1666389. XIN, CHEN JIA Brief introduction to mariculture of five selected species in China/ Chen Jia Xin.- Bangkok: National Inland Fisheries Institute, 1990.- 31 p.; 30 cm. (Fisheries; Mariculture; Nuôi trồng hải sản; ) |Thủy sản; | DDC: 639.8 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1676726. GFCM FAO fisheries report N.428: Report of the 1st session of the working group on artificial reefs and mariculture/ GFCM.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1989; 162tr.. GFCM: General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean ISBN: 9250029810 (fisheries; ) |Báo cáo khoa học thủy sản; Quản lí ngư nghiệp; | [Vai trò: FAO; ] DDC: 639 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1716343. TSENG, WEN-YOUNG Shrimp mariculture: A practical manual/ Wen-Young Tseng.- China: Chien Cheng, 1987.- 295 p.; 27 cm. (Aquaculture; Nuôi trồng thủy sản; ) |Kỹ thuật nuôi tôm; | DDC: 639.63 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1716618. MCVEY, JAMES P. CRC handbook of mariculture. Vol.1: Crustacean aquaculture/ James P. McVey.- Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Inc., 1983.- 439 p.; 21 cm. Tóm tắt: Topics covered include methods for the culture and preparation of algae, rotifers, Artemia, and other foodstuffs for use in crustacean farms; recent developments on enriching larval food organisms to improve crustacean diets; conditioning and spawning penaeid shrimp; obtaining and manipulating shrimp eggs and sperm for controlled reproduction and use of intensive nursery raceways for juvenile shrimp production; and discussions of many types of marine shrimp growout systems. In addition, culture systems used in Hawaii, Ecuador, Taiwan, and Japan are described in detail. Significant new information from Japan on hormonal control of penaeid shrimp maturation and spawning is discussed. Marine shrimp and Macrobrachium shrimp diseases by the foremost authorities in the area are presented with detailed photographs and illustrations to help identify diseases. The book also includes an update on American lobster larval and juvenile culture. (Aquaculture; Nuôi trồng thủy sản; ) |Động vật giáp xác; | DDC: 639.8 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1737843. Journal of the World Mariculture Society. Volume 13/ Louisiana State University.- Louisiana: Louisiana State University, 1982.- 336 p.: ill.; 24 cm. (Aquaculture; Mariculture; ) |Hải sản; Thủy sản; Periodicals; Periodicals; | DDC: 639.41 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1737399. Proceedings of the eighth annual workshop world mariculture society: Held at San Jose, Costa Rica, January 9-13, 1977. Volume 8/ Louisiana State University.- 2nd ed..- Louisiana: Louisiana State University, 1977.- 984 52 p.: ill.; 24 cm. (Aquaculture; Mariculture; ) |Hải sản; Thủy sản; Periodicals; Periodicals; | DDC: 639.41 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1333874. TISDELL, CLEM Economics of commercial giant clam mariculture/ Ed. by C. Tisdell, C. Yung.- Canberra: ACIAR, 1994.- 306tr; 22cm. T.m. cuối chương Tóm tắt: Giá trị Kinh tế về thực phẩm, mỹ phẩm và vấn đề phát triển ngao khổng lồ ở biển {Kinh tế ngư nghiệp; Ngao khổng lồ; } |Kinh tế ngư nghiệp; Ngao khổng lồ; | [Vai trò: Shang, Yung C.; ] /Nguồn thư mục: [NLV]. |