1708404. Employment Consequences of Scientific, technological and Structural Developments in the Metal Trades of Industrialised and Developing Countries: Metal Trades Committee/ International Labour Organisation Programme of Industrial Activities.- Geneva: International Labour office, 1977.- 80 p.; 24 cm. ISBN: 92210106552 (Effect technological; Metal workers; ) |Lao động chuyên nghiệp và công nghệ; | DDC: 331.7 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1708777. General Report: Metal Trades Committee/ International Labour Organisation Programme of Industrial Activities.- Geneva: International Labour Office, 1977.- 171 p.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9221016536 (Agricultural; Laborers congresses; Plantions congresses; ) |Lao động chuyên nghiệp va công nghệ; | DDC: 331.7 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1663037. Safety, health and working environment in the metal trades: New appoaches/ International Labour Office.- Geneve: International Labour Office, 1977.- 68 p.; 24 cm. (Metal; ) |Sức khỏe trong môi trường làm việc sắt thép; Workers; Health and hygiene; | DDC: 669 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |