1725988. TÔ THANH HẢI Triển khai thư điện tử với Microsoft exchange server, 2010 /Price: 88000 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1723949. GERBER, BARRY Mastering Microsoft Exchange server 2007/ Barry Gerber, Jim McBee.- Indianapolis, Ind.: Wiley Pub., 2007.- xxviii, 788 p.: ill.; 24 cm. Includes index. ISBN: 9780470042892 Tóm tắt: With this comprehensive guide, you’ll find out how to effectively install, configure, and manage Microsoft’s powerful messaging and collaboration server, Exchange Server 2007. From reducing the amount of spam your company receives to ensuring you have the right disaster recovery strategy, authors Barry Gerber and Jim McBee share their extensive real-world experience as they walk you step-by-step through each process. You’ll learn the essential techniques for planning and design, deployment, administration, maintenance, and troubleshooting. (Client/server computing; Electronic mail systems; Hệ thống thư điện tử; Điện toán khách chủ; ) |Quản lý hệ thống; Quản lý máy tính; Ứng dụng phần mềm; | [Vai trò: McBee, Jim; ] DDC: 005.71376 /Price: 32.65 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1670389. MCBEE, JIM Microsoft Exchange server 2003: Advanced administration/ Jim McBee.- Indianapolis: Wiley, 2006.- xxvii, 956 p.: ill.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9780470038512 Tóm tắt: This book provides seasoned systems administrators with advanced tools, knowledge, and real-world skills to use on the job. Going beyond what the standard documentation or classroom training provides, these practical guides address the real situations IT professionals face every day, offering streamlined solutions to improve productivity. (Microsoft Exchange server; ) |Hệ điều hành server 2003; | DDC: 004.36 /Price: 32.99 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1737784. MCCORRY, KIERAN Microsoft Exchange server 2003 deployment and migration: SP1 and SP2/ Kieran McCorry.- Burlinton, MA: Elsevier Digital Press, 2006.- xxi, 573 p.: ill.; 24 cm. Includes index ISBN: 9781555583491 Tóm tắt: This book covers, in detail, the tools and techniques that messaging system planners and administrators will require in order to establish a functioning interoperability environment between Exchange 2003 and previous versions of Exchange including Exchange 5.5 and Exchange 2000 (Client/server computing; Máy tính cục bộ / máy chủ; ) |Chương trình máy tính; | DDC: 004.36 /Price: 56.35 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1735325. REDMOND, TONY Tony Redmond’s Microsoft Exchange server 2003 with SPI/ Tony Redmond.- Amsterdam: Elsevier/Digital Press, 2005.- xxviii, 979 p.: ill.; 24 cm. Includes index ISBN: 155558330X(pbk.) Tóm tắt: The new edition features key updates based on practical experience of working with Exchange 2003 since its release, including Service Pack 1 (SP1), plus detailed description of the new functionality included in Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2003 (Client/server computing; Máy tính khách/chủ; ) |Microsoft exchange server 2003 SP1; Mô hình client/server; | DDC: 005.4476 /Price: 63.93 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1724100. GERBER, BARRY Mastering Microsoft Exchange Server 2003/ Barry Gerber.- San Francisco: Sybex, 2003.- xxvii, 801 p.: ill.; 23 cm. Includes index ISBN: 9780782142044 Tóm tắt: With this comprehensive guide, you’ll find out how to effectively install, configure, and manage Microsoft’s powerful messaging and collaboration server, Exchange Server 2007. From reducing the amount of spam your company receives to ensuring you have the right disaster recovery strategy, authors Barry Gerber and Jim McBee share their extensive real-world experience as they walk you step-by-step through each process. You’ll learn the essential techniques for planning and design, deployment, administration, maintenance, and troubleshooting. (Client/server computing; Databases management; ) |Quản trị dữ liệu; Quản trị hệ thống máy tính; Quản lý dữ liệu; Điện toán khách chủ; | DDC: 005.113 /Price: 29.99 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1721114. REDMOND, TONY Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/ Tony Redmond.- Italy: Tecniche nuove, 2001.- xvii, 477 p.: ill.; 25 cm. Includes index ISBN: 9788848113076 Tóm tắt: Documents practices and techniques that have been developed for managing the Exchange messaging application<-->mainly with an eye on large deployments<-->and for upgrading from version 5.5 to Exchange 2000. The author, who is vice president at Compaq Global Services, discusses the web storage system, storage groups, instant messaging, and the interaction between Exchange 2000 and the Windows 2000 active directory (Client/server computing; Máy tính chủ/khách hàng; ) |Mạng máy tính; | DDC: 005.369 /Price: 38.73 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1726816. REDMOND, TONY Microsoft exchange server for windows 2000: Planning, design and implementation/ Tony Redmond.- Boston, Mass.: Oxford, 2001.- xxii, 1048 p.: ill.; 25 cm. Includes index. ISBN: 9781555582241 Tóm tắt: Microsoft Exchange Server for Windows 2000 provides the tools to design, deploy and manage an Exchange Server operation. It describes Exchange "best practices" developed by the author and his colleagues at Compaq, the leading worldwide consulting company for Exchange Server projects. The book thoroughly covers all of the major Exchange Server technologies new for Windows 2000, including the Web Storage System, Storage Groups, Instant Messaging and the interaction between Exchange 2000 and the Windows 2000 Active Directory. (Client/server computing; Microsoft Exchange server; ) |Dữ liệu trong hệ thống máy tính; Trao đổi máy chủ; | DDC: 005.7 /Price: 5.94 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1689095. BRUCE HALLBERG Inside Microsoft Exchange server/ bruce Hallberg, Kathy Ivens.- 1st.- Indiana: New Riders, 1996; 512p.. ISBN: 1562055704 Tóm tắt: Introducing Microsoft Exchange server; Planning your Microsoft Exchange server system; Installation; Administering exchange server; Using Microsoft exchange server; Application development with MES. (client/server computing; microsoft exchange; ) |Mạng máy tính; Server; | [Vai trò: Kathy Ivens; ] DDC: 005.7 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1192369. Microsoft exchange server 2003: Unleashed/ Rand H. Morimoto, Michael Noel, Kenton Gardinier, Joe R. Coca Jr..- Indiana: Sams, 2006.- XLIII, 1174 p.: fig.; 23 cm. Ind. ISBN: 0672328070 Tóm tắt: Giới thiệu về Microsoft exchange server 2003. Thiết kế môi trường tin nhắn Exchange server 2003 đối với các tổ chức lớn,vừa và nhỏ.Tác động những dịch vụ mang trên phần mềm này: Nguyên lí an ninh mạng. Thay đổi phần cứng đối với phần mềmExchange server 2003. Quản trị và quản lí phần mềm. Chức năng di động mới, nâng cao máy trạm, quản lí máy trạm (Tin học; ) {Phần mềm Exchange server 2003; } |Phần mềm Exchange server 2003; | DDC: 004 /Nguồn thư mục: [NLV]. |