1684352. PAUL J RESETARITS Using CADKey: covers CADKey 4 and the new graphical interface for solids 4.5/ Paul J Resetarits, Gary R Bertoline.- 3rd.- New York: Delmar, 1992; 629p.. ISBN: 0827349459 (CADKey; computer-aided design; ) |CADKey; Đồ họa vi tính; | [Vai trò: Gary R Bertoline; ] DDC: 620.00420285 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1684354. DAVID C REICHARD Exploring CADKey (Book/Disk package)/ David C Reichard.- 1st.- Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1989; 268p.. ISBN: 0132961954 Tóm tắt: The book explains and illustrates CADKey functions through reader-created drawings. Chapters 1-7 give the basics, letting exoerience the power of CADKey rather than studying it, all functions are explained in two dimensions. Chapter 8-12 are a series of tutorials cover the functions for three dimensions (CADKey ( computer system ); computer-aided design; ) |CADKey; Đồ họa vi tính; | DDC: 620.00420285 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |