844884. FLORANCE, CARA Enzymes - Trợ thủ đắc lực của quá trình trao đổi chất/ Cara Florance ; Linh Chi dịch ; Thu Ngô h.đ..- H.: Dân trí, 2022.- 27 tr.: tranh vẽ; 20 cm.- (Luyện đọc tiếng Anh. Phát triển từ vựng)(Nhà sinh hoá tương lai) ISBN: 9786043568370 Tóm tắt: Cung cấp những kiến thức cơ bản cùng hình ảnh minh hoạ sinh động về Enzym, giúp các em tìm hiểu, khám phá những kiến thức khoa học bổ ích về bản thân và thế giới để trở thành những nhà sinh hoá trong tương lai (Enzym; ) [Vai trò: Linh Chi; Thu Ngô; ] DDC: 572.7 /Price: 55000đ /Nguồn thư mục: [NLV]. |
1646493. CROWLEY, THOMAS E Experiments in the purification and characterization of enzymes: A laboratory manual/ Thomas E. Crowley, Jack Kyte.- Boston: Elsevier, 2014.- xxxi, 234 p.: illustrations (some color); 28 cm. ISBN: 9780124095441 Tóm tắt: Experiments in the Purification and Characterization of Enzymes: A Laboratory Manual provides students with a working knowledge of the fundamental and advanced techniques of experimental biochemistry. Included are instructions and experiments that involve purification and characterization of enzymes from various source materials, giving students excellent experience in kinetics analysis and data analysis. Additionally, this lab manual covers how to evaluate and effectively use scientific data (Enzymes; Enzymes; Enzym; Enzym; ) |Thí nghiệm Enzym; Laboratory manuals; Laboratory Manuals; Hướng dẫn phòng thí nghiệm; Hướng dẫn phòng thí nghiệm; Analysis; Isolation & purification; Cô lập và thanh lọc; Phân tích; | [Vai trò: Kyte, Jack; ] DDC: 572.7 /Price: 1911000 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1713484. SMITH, H. JOHN Enzymes and their inhibition: Drug development/ H. John Smith, Claire Simons.- London: CRC Press, 2005.- 308 p.; 24 cm.- (CRC enzyme inhibitors series) ISBN: 0415334020 (Chemistry, pharmaceutical; Drug development; Enzyme Inhibitors; Enzyme inhibitors; ) |Thuốc hữu cơ; | [Vai trò: Simons, Claire; ] DDC: 615.35 /Price: 164.69 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1733118. Handbook of food analytical chemistry: Water, proteins, enzymes, lipids, and carbohydrates/ edited By Ronald E. Wrolstad ... [et al.].- Hoboken, N.J.: J. Wiley, 2005.- xv, 768 p.: ill; 27cm. Includes bibliographical references and indexes ISBN: 9780471663782 Tóm tắt: The Handbook of Food Analytical Chemistry is an indispensable reference for food scientists and technologists to enable successful analysis. Provides detailed reports on experimental procedures; Includes sections on background theory and troubleshooting; Emphasizes effective, state-of-the art methodology, written by recognized experts in the field; Includes detailed instructions with annotated advisory comments, key references with annotation, time considerations and anticipated results (Food; Thực phẩm; ) |Sổ tay phân tích thực phẩm; Handbooks, manuals, etc; sổ tay; Analysis; Phân tích; | [Vai trò: Wrolstad, Ronald E.; ] DDC: 664.07 /Price: 2753000 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1670991. MANCHENKO, GENNADY P. Handbook of detection of enzymes on electrophoretic gels/ Gennady P. Manchenko.- 2nd ed..- Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2003.- 553 p.: ill.; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references ISBN: 0849312574 Tóm tắt: Still widely used as gene markers, isozymes detected by zymogram techniques have proven valuable in a range of other biological applications over the last few years. Along with these new applications, many new techniques have also emerged. Yet more than eight years since the Handbook of Detection of Enzymes on Electrophoretic Gels was first published, it remains the only book completely devoted to zymogram methods. The time has come to bring its contents up to date. (Enzymes; Enzym; ) |Enzym; Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Sổ tay, hướng dẫn sử dụng, vv; Purification; Làm sạch; | DDC: 572.7 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1734023. Enzymes in food technology/ Edited by Robert J. Whitehurst and Barry A. Law.- Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002.- xiv, 255 p.: ill.; 30 cm.- (Sheffield food technology) Bản photo Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 184127223X Tóm tắt: The second edition of this successful book highlights the widespread use of enzymes in food processing improvement and innovation, explaining how they bring advantages. The properties of different enzymes are linked to the physical and biochemical events that they influence in food materials and products, while these in turn are related to the key organoleptic, sensory and shelf life qualities of foods. Fully updated to reflect advances made in the field over recent years, the book also contains five new chapters. (Enzymes; Enzym; ) |Công nghệ thực phẩm; Industrial applications; Ứng dụng công nghiệp; | [Vai trò: Law, Barry A.; Whitehurst, Robert J.; ] DDC: 664.024 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1734009. Proteolytic enzymes/ Edited by Rob Beynon and J. S. Bond.- 2nd ed..- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.- 320 p.: ill.; 25 cm.- (The practical approach series) Includes index Tóm tắt: Like the popular first edition, this new edition of Proteolytic Enzymes emphasizes practical aspects of the handling, characterization, inhibition, and use of proteolytic enzymes giving general advice and specific examples. The text and protocols have been thoroughly updated to take account of the advances made in the last 10 years in both the increased understanding of the role of peptidases in many critical cellular processes e.g. apoptosis and new technological developments e.g. in recombinant protein expression, protein sequencing, and structural studies. The topics covered are: nomenclature and classification; purification; assay methods; determination of mechanism; inhibition and prevention of unwanted proteolytic activity; characterizing natural inhibitors; proteolytic enzymes in peptide mapping and primary structure elucidation by mass spectrometry and Edman sequencing; limited proteolysis as a structural probe; synthetic function. This book will be as invaluable as the first edition in providing ideas and protocols for scientists either studying proteases or using proteases as a research tool. (Proteolytic enzymes; Enzyme phân hủy protein; ) |Enzyme; | [Vai trò: Beynon, R. J.; Bond, J. S.; ] DDC: 572.76 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1714975. Enzymes/ Paul R. Mathewson.- St. Paul. MN.: Eagan Press, 1998.- 109 p.; 27 cm. ISBN: 1913250961 Tóm tắt: Enzymes provides practical information in a straightforward non-technical manner for every food industry practitioner. It offers basic information concerning enzyme chemistry and their applications in food and beverage products and quick answers to enzyme questions. (Food industry and trade; Food; ) |Công nghệ thực phẩm; Enzymology; | [Vai trò: Mathewson, Paul R.; ] DDC: 664 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1671004. MUTTER, MARGIEN New rhamnogalacturonan degrading enzymes from aspergillus aculeatus: Nieuwe rhamnogalacturonaan afbrekende enzymen uit Aspergillus aculeatus/ Margien Mutter.- Netherlands: Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen, 1997.- 141 p.: ill.; 24 cm. ISBN: 905485782X Tóm tắt: Three new rhamnogalacturonan degrading enzymes were purified from a commercial enzyme preparation, pectinex Ultra SP, produced by the fungus Aspergillus aculeatus. The purified enzymes were characterized and appeared to be only active toward rhamnogalacturonan and not toward the well-know pectic polysaccharide homogalacturonan. (Aspergillus; Enzymes; Rhamnogalacturonan; Enzym; ) |Enzym; | DDC: 572.7 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1734219. WHITE, JOHN STEPHEN Source book of enzymes/ John Stephen White, Dorothy Chong White..- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1997.- vii, 1306 p.; 19 x 27 cm.. ISBN: 9780849394706 Tóm tắt: The Source Book of Enzymes answers these important questions and many more:Where can I find a particular enzyme? What enzymes are available for purchase? How do I select the appropriate enzyme for my pplication?How do the available enzymes differ from one another?What are the reaction conditions for optimum enzyme performance? Who sells the enzyme I need? (Enzymes; Enzymes; Chất xúc tác; ) |Enzyme xucs tác; Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Sổ tay; Marketing; | [Vai trò: White, Dorothy Chong.; ] DDC: 572.7 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1678935. Biotechnology: Vol.9: Enzymes, biomass, food and feed.- 2nd.- New York: VCH, 1995; 804p.. ISBN: 3527283196 Tóm tắt: This volume examines the " classical " aspects of biotecnology: The application of biological principles for the purpose of converting foodstuffs into more palatable, nutritious or stable foods (biomass; enzymes; ) |Công nghệ sinh học; Enzim; | DDC: 620.8 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1652525. G A TUCKER Enzymes in food processing/ G A Tucker, L F Woods.- 2nd.- London: Blackie academic and professional, 1995; 319p.. ISBN: 0751402494 (enzymes; ) |Công nghệ thực phẩm; | [Vai trò: L F Woods; ] DDC: 664 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1678966. W S WONG Food enzymes: Structure and mechanism/ W S Wong.- 1st.- New York: Chapman and Hall, 1995; 390p.. ISBN: 0412056917 Tóm tắt: The book emphasizes aspects of the chemistry of enzyme structure and mechanism seldom covered in food science literature. It includes a thorough of the genetic modification of enzyme structures and functions with reference to specific food enzymes. More than 150 illustrations enhance the clarity of important concepts. Comprehensive references reflect the current state of knowledge on enzyme actions (enzymes; food - composition; ) |Công nghệ thực phẩm; Enzim; | DDC: 664.024 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1679205. ROBERTS, STANLEY M Introduction to biocatalysis using enzymes and micro-organisms/ Stanley M Roberts, Michael K Turner, Nicholas J Turner.- 1st.- Cambridge: Cambridge Univ, 1995.- 195 p. ISBN: 0521436850 Tóm tắt: The book traces the history of biotransformations, clearly spells out the pros and cons of conducting enzyme-mediated vercus whole-cell bioconversion and gives a variety of examples wherein the bio-reaction is a key element in a reaction sequence leading from cheap starting materials to valuable end-products. (biotranformation ( metabolism ); enzymes; microbial biotechnology; ) |Công nghệ sinh học; Vi sinh vật học kĩ thuật; biotechnology; | [Vai trò: Turner, Michael K; Turner, Nicholas J; ] DDC: 660.63 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1733975. BERKEL, W. J. H. VAN Biochemical separation methods: Theory and practice for the purification and characterization of proteins and enzymes/ W. J. H. van Berkel.- 2nd ed..- Netherlands: Wageningen Agricultural University, 1994.- 134 p.; 30 cm. Tóm tắt: The practical course biochemical separation methods is recommended for all students in biological sciences. (Biochemistry; Hóa sinh; ) |Hóa sinh; | DDC: 572 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1679118. D SCHOMBOURG Enzymes handbook: Vol.3: Class 3: Hydrolases/ D Schombourg.- 1st.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1991; 2000p.. ISBN: 3540537295 (enzymes; ) |Enzim; | DDC: 574.1925 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1652524. D SCHOMBOURG Enzymes handbook: Vol.4: Class 3: Hydrolases/ D Schombourg, M Salzmann.- 1st.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1991; 2000p.. ISBN: 3540537309 (enzymes; ) |Enzim; | [Vai trò: M Salzmann; ] DDC: 574.1925 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1652521. D SCHOMBOURG Enzymes handbook: Vol.5: Class 3: Hydrolasses/ D Schombourg, M Salzmann.- 1st.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1991; 2000p.. ISBN: 3540542094 (enzymes; ) |Enzim; | [Vai trò: M Salzmann; ] DDC: 574.1925 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1648691. Enzymes in industry: Production and applications.- 1st.- New York: VCH, 1990; 321p.. ISBN: 3527279849 (enzymes; industrial chemicals; ) |Enzim; Hóa sinh công nghiệp; Vi sinh học công nghiệp; | DDC: 661.8 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1679044. Microbial enzymes and biotechnology.- 2nd.- London: Elsevier applied science, 1990; 472p.. ISBN: 1851664866 (industrial microbiology; microbial enzymes - biotechnology; ) |Công nghệ thực phẩm; Enzim; Vi sinh học công nghiệp; | DDC: 660.634 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |