1706599. JEAN-LOUIS ARCAND FAO econmic and social development paper; N147: Undernourishment and economic growth; the efficiency cost of hunger/ Jean-Louis Arcand, FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 2000; 60p.. ISBN: ISSN02592460 (economic policy; ) |Chính sách kinh tế; Starưiknigi; | [Vai trò: FAO; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1734595. Higher education in the world 3: Higher education, new challenges and emerging roles for human and social development.- Basingstoke, Hampshire [England] ; New Y: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008- (Guni series on the social commitment of universities 3) ISBN: 978230000483 Tóm tắt: This annual report explores in depth the key issues facing Higher Education institutions in the Twenty-first century including perspectives from the five continents, with special emphasis on the theme of the social commitment of universities. It includes papers from eminent scholars, a Delphi poll from over 70 key experts/practitioners on the subject of creating a knowledge society, and extensive supporting statistics and analytical maps. Its publication coincides with the annual International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education (Education and globalization; Education, higher; Education, humanistic; Universties and colleges; ) |Giáo dục đại học; Social aspects; Social aspects; | DDC: 378 /Price: 80.50 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1662058. Putting social development to world for the poor: An OED review of World Bank activities/ The World Bank.- Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 2005.- 106 p. ISBN: 082135972X (Economic assistance; ) |Phát triển quốc gia; Developing countries; | DDC: 338.91091724 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1707434. FAO FAO economic and social development paper N.148: Agricultural investment and productivity in developing countries/ FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 2001; 159p.. ISBN: ISSN02592460 (economic development - social aspects; ) |Các nước đang phát triển; Kinh tế nông nghiệp; Đầu tư nông nghiệp; | DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1689934. FAO FAO economic and social development paper; No.150: The role of agricultural taxation and anti-agriculture bias in economic growth/ FAO.- 1st ed.: FAO, 2001.- 92 ISBN: 9251046883 (agriculture; rural development; ) |Kinh tế nông nghiệp; Phát triển nông thôn; economic aspects; economic conditions; | DDC: 338.1 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1706509. ROBERT MENDELSOHN FAO econmic and social development paper; N145: Two essays on climate change and agriculture; a developing country perspective/ Robert Mendelsohn, Dirgha Tiwari, FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 2000; 85p.. ISBN: ISSN02592460 (developing countries; economics; ) |Nông nghiệp các nước đang phát triển; Starưiknigi; | [Vai trò: FAO; Dirgha Tiwari; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1706639. ANNA ALBERINI FAO econmic and social development paper; N146: Applications of the contingent valuation method in developing countries; a survey/ Anna Alberini, FAO, Joseph Cooper.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 2000; 63p.. ISBN: ISSN02592460 (developing countries; economics; ) |Các nước đang phát triển; Starưiknigi; | [Vai trò: FAO; Joseph Cooper; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1702779. Số liệu về phát triển xã hội ở Việt Nam thập kỷ 90: Figures on social development in 1990s in Vietnam/ Tổng cục Thống kê.- Hà Nội: Thống Kê, 2000.- 459 tr.; 29 cm. Tóm tắt: Những nét cơ bản về mức sống của người dân Việt Nam giai đoạn 1990-1998 qua các số liệu thống kê trên các mặt: Văn hoá, y tế, giáo dục [Vietnam; ] |Thống kê xã hội Việt Nam; | DDC: 330.0212 /Price: 124000 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1699611. PASQUALE L SCANDIZZO FAO economic and social development paper N143: An investigative survey/ Pasquale L Scandizzo,FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1998 99T2 ISBN: ISSN02592460 Tóm tắt: This study discusses both theoretical structure and empirical measurements, particularly, an attempt to develop a robust set of estimates based on an orginal database for 71 developing countires for the period 1969 - 1991 |Kinh tế nông nghiệp; | [Vai trò: FAO; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1699701. FAO FAO economic and social development series; N.55: Training for agriculture and rural development 1997-98/ FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1998; 178p.. 99T2 ISBN: 9251041822 (agriculture - study and teaching; ) |99T2; Khuyến nông học; | DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1653314. TIM JOSLING FAO economic and social development paper N.133: Implications of regional trade arrangements for agricultural trade/ Tim Josling, FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1997; 167p.. ISBN: 9251037868 Tóm tắt: The study concludes that regional trading arrangements can potentially play an important positive role in economic development and global rationalization of agricultural production. To the extent that regional trading arrangements contribute to the liberalization of domestic agricultural policies, multilateral and regional trade policy reforms can be both consistent and mutually reinforcing to the benefit of the global economy. (agriculture - economic aspects; agriculture and state; economics; ) |Kinh tế nông nghiệp; Thị trường nông sản; | [Vai trò: FAO; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1688930. ROLAND E WILLIAMS FAO economic and social development paper N142: The political economy of the common market in milk and dairy products in the European Union/ Roland E Williams, FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1997; 245p.. 98T3 ISBN: 925104080X Tóm tắt: The study an attempt at applying a conceptual framework for analysis of policy delivery systems to a specific case: the common dairy policy of the European Union. (agricultural economic; ) |Chính sách kinh tế; Cộng đồng Châu Âu; Kinh tế nông nghiệp; | [Vai trò: FAO; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1736339. Social development: Component rational, objectives and development: World Bank, 1997.- 191 p.; 27 cm. Tóm tắt: The objective of the component is to alleviate poverty and improve social services in the Buffer Zone adjoining the 470 km-long coastal full protection zone to be establishes under the project. (Developing countries; Social development; ) |Phát triển kinh tế; Phát triển quốc gia; | DDC: 338.9 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1683080. ALEXANDER SARRIS FAO economic and social development paper N.134: Rural informal credit markets and the effectiveness of policy reform/ Alexander Sarris, FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1996; 130p.. ISBN: 925103785X Tóm tắt: The study reviews three different strands of literature relevant to the topic. The largely macroeconomic literature on financial libralisation and growth has produced arguments favouring largely unregulated financial markets. This review has been challenged by structuralists who have emphasised the dually between formal and informal financial markets, and have argued that financial liberation policies are stagflationary. The second strand has a microeconomic focus, emphasises the imperfect information aspects of rural financial markets, and has sought to explain several observed phenomena in rural areas that apparently prevent the proper operation of formal financial intermediaries. This literature has emphasised the fact that rural loan transactions appear to have implications for many other rural markets, suach as the labour and product markets. Finaaly the literature on household consumption smoothing and food security strategies has sought to explain how households respond to considerable market and non-market risks in rural areas. (economic development - social aspects; ) |Kinh tế học; Phát triển nông thôn; | [Vai trò: FAO; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1694588. THOMAS C EARLEY FAO economic and social development paper N.135: International dynamics of national sugar policies/ Thomas C Earley, Donald W Westtall, FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1996; 90p.. ISBN: 9251037841 (sugar-cane; ) |Cung cấp thực phẩm; Đường ăn; | [Vai trò: FAO; Donald W Westtall; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1683109. THOMAS C EARLEY FAO economic and social development paper N.135: International dynamics of national sugar policies/ Thomas C Earley, Donald W Westtall.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1996; 80p.. ISBN: 9251037841 Tóm tắt: This study explores the nature, scope and consequences of these windespread government interventions in sugar policy by examining programmes in fifteen countries and regions. The paper includes case studies of both the major trade distoring countries that have pursued market oriented sugar policy regimes. (sugar; trade; ) |Chính sách kinh tế nông nghiệp; | [Vai trò: Donald W Westtall; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1683849. SCOTT BARETT FAO economic and social development paper N138: Economic development and environmental policy/ Scott Barett, FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1996; 121p.. ISBN: 9251039224 (economic development - social aspects; economics; environmental protection; ) |Bảo vệ môi trường; Chính sách môi trường; Phát triển kinh tế; | [Vai trò: FAO; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1684072. JEAN MARIE BALAND FAO economic and social development paper N139: Population pressure and management of natural resources: Income-sharing and labour absorption in small-scale fisheries/ Jean Marie Baland, FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1996; 82p.. ISBN: 9251033208 (economics; population; ) |Bảo vệ môi trường - Dân số; Dân số và môi trường; Phát triển kinh tế; | [Vai trò: FAO; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1683819. D GALE JOHNSON FAO economic and social development paper N141: Economies in transition: Hungary and Poland/ D Gale Johnson, FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1996; 83p.. ISBN: 9251039585 (economics; ) |Ba Lan; Hungary; Kinh tế Đông Âu; Phát triển kinh tế; | [Vai trò: FAO; ] DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1684067. FAO FAO economic and social development series N54: Training for agriculture and rural development 1995-1996/ FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1996; 149p.. ISBN: 9251037264 (economic development - social aspects; economics; rural development; ) |Khuyến nông học; Phát triển nông thôn; | DDC: 330 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |