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Ví dụ: Toán 2, xuất bản năm 2010, Bộ sách Cánh Diều => Nhập: Toán 5*2010*Cánh Diều
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Tìm thấy: 81 tài liệu với từ khoá sanitation

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học868975. Xe chở rác= Sanitation truck : Dành cho lứa tuổi nhi đồng/ Lời: Lee Yanan ; Tranh: Bookworm Culture ; Chíp Chíp dịch.- H.: Kim Đồng, 2021.- 23tr.: tranh màu; 20cm.- (Thế giới xe cộ)(English read and learn. Vui học tiếng Anh)
    Chính văn bằng 2 thứ tiếng: Việt - Anh
    ISBN: 9786042224123
(Khoa học thường thức; Ô tô chở rác; ) [Vai trò: Chíp Chíp; Bookworm Culture; Lee Yanan; ]
DDC: 629.225 /Price: 25000đ /Nguồn thư mục: [NLV].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1639147. NGUYỄN, VIỆT HÙNG
    Thuật ngữ trong lĩnh vực cung cấp nước và vệ sinh môi trường: Glossary of Tems in Water Supply and Sanitation/ Nguyễn Việt Hùng (chủ biên).- Hà Nội: Khoa học Kỹ thuật, 2013.- 104 tr.; 25 cm.
    Tóm tắt: Nội dung sách giới thiệu các thuật ngữ trong lĩnh vực cung cấp nước và bảo vệ môi trường, được sắp xếp theo thứ tự ABC các từ tiếng Anh lẫn tiếng Việt.
(Water; Environmental management; Nước; Quản lý môi trường; ) |Thuật ngữ cung cấp nước; Thuật ngữ vệ sinh môi trường; Dictionaries; Dictionaries; Từ điển; Từ điển; |
DDC: 363.7003 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1640996. Economic assessment of sanitation interventions in Vietnam: A six-country study conducted in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Phillippines and Vietnam under the Economics of Sanitation Initiative (ESI)/ Water and Sanitation Program (WSP).- Wasington DC.: The World Bank, 2012.- xxxv, 222 p.; 28 cm.
    Tóm tắt: The aim of the study was to generate robust evidence of the costs and benefits of sanitation improvement in different programmatic and geographic contexts in Vietnam, leading to policy recommendations to help the selection of the most efficient and sustainable sanitation interventions and programs. Basic hygiene aspects are also included, insofar as they affect health outcomes. Selected aspects of sanitation such as technology choice, project management, user acceptance and willingness to pay in on-site, cluster and centralized sanitation systems were assessed in this study
(Water; Water resources development; Phát triển nguồn nước; ) |Purification; Vietnam; Việt nam; |
DDC: 363.72 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1724755. Fact sheets on environmental sanitation/ Prepared by the Robens Institute University of Surrey United Kingdom: WHO, 2009.- 1v.: ill.; 30 cm.
    Tóm tắt: The document covers four major areas: planning, water supply, sanitation and hygience education
(Environmental engineering; Sanitation; Kỹ thuật môi trường; Vệ sinh; ) |Bệnh tiêu chảy; Môi trường; Vệ sinh môi trường; |
DDC: 363.72 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1723502. REIS, NADINE
    Microcredit for rural water supply and sanitation in the Mekong Delta: Policy implementation between the needs for clean water and ‘beautiful latrines'/ Nadine Reis, Peter P. Mollinga.- Bonn: University of Bonn, 2009.- 24 p.: ill, (maps, photos); 29 cm.- (Working paper series)
    Include bibliographic references
    Tóm tắt: The paper analyses the effectiveness of such a microcredit programme for rural water supply and sanitation in the context of the rural Mekong Delta in Vietnam. It is concluded that the programme has a positive effect with regard to the safer disposal of human excreta and the water quality in rivers and canalst.
(Water-supply,Rural; Cấp nước, đô thị; ) |Vietnam; Việt Nam; | [Vai trò: Mollinga, Peter P.; ]
DDC: 333.91 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1725799. Economic regulation of urban water and sanitation services: Some practical lessons/ David Ehrhardt ... [et al.].- Washington DC: World Bank, 2007.- iv, 28 tr.: ill.; 28 cm.
    Tóm tắt: This paper brings together key findings from the four pieces of work (Explanatory notes on key regulatory issues ; In-depth case studies on water sector regulation ; Guidelines for setting low-discretion rules ; review of regulation of publicly owned water and sanitation suppliers). It aims to show how real experience supports the theoretical principles of good design, and to present key regulatory concepts in way that is accessible to policy makers, service providers, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders concerned with improving the provision of water supply and sanitation services.
(Sanitation services; Water supply; Cung cấp nước; Dịch vụ vệ sinh; ) |Nước sạch; Sức khỏe cộng đồng; Development countries; Nước đang phát triển; | [Vai trò: Ehrhardt, David; ]
DDC: 363.61 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1725527. Principles of town water supply and sanitation. Part 1: Water supply/ World Bank Group ; Nick Pilgim ... [et al.].- Washington DC.: The World Bank, 2007.- viii, 100 p.: ill.; 28 cm.
    Includes the bibliỏgaphy (p. 99-100)
    Tóm tắt: This report is a first attempt to set out a strategy for town water supply and sanitation. The primary objective is to identify, and find solutions for, the neglected towns those that fall between rural and urban, the two relatively well established approaches to managing water supply and sanitation services. Towns in the 2,000-50,000 population range generally fall within this "management gap;" they are the prime focus of this report. These towns face special challenges in the provision of their water and sanitation services.
(Sanitation; Water supply; Cung cấp nước; Hệ thống nước thảy; ) |Nguồn nước; Xử lý nước; | [Vai trò: Pilgim , Nick; ]
DDC: 354.366 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1725294. Consumer cooperatives: An alternative institutional model for delivery of urban water supply and sanitation services?/ Fernando Ruiz-Mier, Meike van Ginneken.- Washington DC: World bank, 2006.- iii., 25 p.; 28 cm.
    Tóm tắt: This paper describes the essential characteristics of consumer cooperatives engaged in the provision of basic services and discusses their applicability as a model for water supply and sanitation service provision in urban areas. A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. The paper focuses on system-wide urban water supply cooperatives and it is thus not concerned with urban or peri-urban cooperatives that depend on either boreholes or bulk purchases of water from a utility for distribution, nor does it refer to rural water supply cooperatives that are generally small.
(Sanitation services; Water supply; Cung cấp nước; Dịch vụ vệ sinh; ) |Nước sạch; |
DDC: 363.61 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1725340. Poverty dimensions of water, sanitation, and hygiene in Southwest Sri Lanka/ Subhrendu K. Pattanayak ... [et al.]..- Washington DC: World Bank, 2006.- v, 24 p.; 28 cm.
    Tóm tắt: In the early 2000s, the government of Sri Lanka considered engaging private operators to manage water and sewerage services for two separate service areas that spanned the districts of Gampaha, Kalutara, and Galle. To better inform the design of these private sector transactions, we surveyed 1,800 households in southwest Sri Lanka and created spatial maps of poverty and network services. Our maps and models lead us to four conclusions. First, poor and non-poor households have different behaviors regarding water and sanitation, which affects the distributional impacts of the proposed private sector participation (PSP) transactions.
(Sanitation; Water supply; Cung cấp nước; ) |Vệ sinh; Vệ sinh công cộng; Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka; | [Vai trò: Pattanayak , Subhrendu K.; ]
DDC: 363.61 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1729665. Project appraisal document on a proposed credit in the amount of SDR 83.9 million (US$124.7 million equivalent) to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam for a coastal cities environmental sanitation project, November 14, 2006: Report No: 34507-VN/ The Work Bank.- Hà Nội: The World Bank, 2006.- 90 p.: ill.; 28 cm.
    Tóm tắt: Contents of the book includes: Strategic context and rationale; project description; Implementation; Appraisal summary; Economic and fianancial analyses; Technical; Environment; Safeguard policies
(Developing countries; Developing countries; Viet Nam; ) |Môi trường duyên hải; Phát triển quốc gia; Quản trị môi trường; Environmental aspects; Environmental protection engineeering; Economic policy; Viet Nam; Viet Nam; |
DDC: 628 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1668408. Project appsail document on the prôpsed credit in the amount of SDR83.9 million (US$124.7 million equivalent) to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam for a coastal cities environmental sanitation project, November 14, 3006: Report No.: 34507 - VN.- Hà Nội: The World Bank, 2006.- 90 p.; 29 cm.
    Tóm tắt: Contents of the book is: Strategic context and raionale; project description; implementation; apprasal summary. Economic and financial analyses; technical; fiduciary; social, environment; safeguard policies; policy exceptions and readiness.
(Developing countries; Viet Nam; Viet Nam; ) |Phát triển quốc gia; Việt Nam; Economic conditions; Economic policy; Viet Nam; |
DDC: 338.9597 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1725122. Assessment of resource flow in the water supply and sanitation sector: Ethiopia case study/ Peter L. Watson ... [et al.]..- Washington DC: World Bank, 2005.- 19 p.; 28 cm.- (Water supply & sanitation :)
    Tóm tắt: Assessment of Resource Flows in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector. Ethiopia Case Study. Peter L. Watson, Joseph Gadek, Eyob Defere, Catherine Revels. This case study reports on the work undertaken to collect data for the Background Paper for the Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Chapter of the Ethiopia 2003 Public Expenditure Review (PER). The Background Paper was based on discussions with various stakeholders, and a synthesis of available studies and consultant reports. The study appears to have been the first attempt to consolidate all expenditures for the Ethiopian WSS sector to give an indicative picture of the level of funding, in both absolute terms and per capita figures. The results are alarming; the low levels of investment clearly explain why the levels of service are so dreadfully low.
(Sanitation; Water supply; Cung cấp nước; Vệ sinh; ) |Cung cấp nước sạch; Ethiopia; Ethiopia; Ethiopia; Ethiopia; | [Vai trò: Watson , Peter L.; ]
DDC: 363.61 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1726865. MCSWANE, DAVID
    Essentials of food safety and sanitation/ David McSwane, Nancy R. Rue, Richard Linton.- 4th ed..- New Jersey: Pearson/Prenticeb Hall, 2005.- 440 p.; 24 cm.
    ISBN: 0131196596
(Food handling; Food service; ) |Dịch dụ xã hội; Safety measures; Sanitation; | [Vai trò: Linton, Richard; Rue, Nancy R.; ]
DDC: 363.72 /Price: 48.25 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1725369. BAIETTI, ALDO
    Financing water supply and sanitation investments: Utilizing risk mitigation instruments to bridge the financing gap/ Aldo Baietti, Peter Raymond.- Washington DC: World Bank, 2005.- vi., 38 p.: ill.; 28 cm.
    Tóm tắt: The small share of private participation in the water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector and the extremely low level of risk mitigation instruments underscore (a) the specific nature of the risks affecting the sector; (b) the lack of adequate project preparation (and thus of bankable projects); (c) the difficult access of water investments to financial markets; and (d) the constraints and limitations among the various risk mitigation instruments, which render them inadequate to respond in a significant way to the challenges of the water sector. Given these serious impediments, it is no surprise that despite the urgent need for risk alleviation, the effective demand for risk mitigation products has been lacking. This paper focuses on ways to better connect water sector investments with financial markets and to adapt risk mitigation instruments correspondingly.
(Sanitary engineering; Water supply; Cung cấp nước; Kỹ thuật vệ sinh; ) |Vến đề tài chính; Xử lý nước thảy; Management; Quản lý; | [Vai trò: Raymond, Peter; ]
DDC: 354.366 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1725293. KINGDOM, WILLIAM D.
    Models of aggregation for water and sanitation provision/ William D. Kingdom.- Washington DC: World Bank, 2005.- x, 72 p.; 28 cm.- (Water supply and Sanitation :)
    Tóm tắt: Aggregation is defined as the grouping of several municipalities into a single administrative structure for the provision of a particular service. The main driver for aggregation is providing services to a larger customer base more efficiently and at a lower cost. Although aggregation is relatively easy to construct, aggregation has a relatively high risk of failure because it is perceived as too complex, political will is lacking, or the potential benefits are not clearly understood. This study, financed by the Government of the Netherlands through the Bank-Netherlands Partnership Program (BNPP), analyzes the main drivers and constraints to water supply and sanitation (WSS) service aggregation. Aggregation reforms are usually considered when WSS services are too small to be efficient or when decentralization of WSS services to the lowest level of government is not possible. Larger systems can deliver services at a lower unit cost because overhead costs are shared across a wider customer base. Other advantages are that aggregation can take place without the transfer of asset ownership, and that aggregation enhances professional capacity in service providers. However, aggregation can fail if there is no adequate process in place to implement it. Political will and due process are therefore necessary to assist municipalities in carrying out the aggregation process, especially in the case of small towns that lack the required capacity.
(Water supply; Cung cấp nước; )
DDC: 363.61 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1734731. Philippines sanitaion sourcebook and decision aid: Water supply and sanitation performance enhancement project/ The World Bank.- Jakarta 12190, Indonesia: The World Bank, 2005.- xii, 106 p.: ill. col. pic. charts; 29 cm.
    Tóm tắt: The Sanitation Sourcebook, focusing the information about the low-cost sanitation technology options, aims to stimulate effective demand for sanitation services by presenting tools for strategic decision-making around a wider range of more affordable sanitation options. It also hopes to stimulate informed investment decisions by local governments to ensure more sustainable outcomes. Thus, it features environment-friendly and affordable decentralized solutions.
(Sanitation, urban; Sewerage, urban; Hệ thống cống rãnh, đô thị; Hệ thống vệ sinh, đô thị; ) |Hệ thống thoát nước; Hệ thống vệ sinh công cộng; Vấn đề đô thị; |
DDC: 363.72 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1695209. WB
    Final environmental impact assessment: Viet Nam: Three cities sanitation project Haiphong Sub-project/ WB.- Washington DC: The World Bank, 2004.- tr.; cm.
(developping countries; ) |environmental aspects; |
DDC: 363.7 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1671630. Rural water supply and sanitation: Dự án vệ sinh và cấp nước nông thôn/ The World Bank in Vietnam (WB).- Ha Noi: The World Bank in Vietnam (WB), 2004.- 1 v.
    Tóm tắt: This project paper provides an additional credit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for first phase of the Red River Delta Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project. The additional credit will help finance the costs associated with completion of the original project activities within the same project areas that could not be finished as a result of unanticipated cost over-runs. The cost over-runs are due to high inflation and design changes necessary due to increased demand for connections and capacity in the original project
(Sanitation, rural; Water supply; Cung cấp nước; Vệ sinh, Nông thôn; ) |Phát triển nông thôn; Vietnam; Vietnam; Việt Nam; Việt Nam; |
DDC: 363.7 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1714938. The millenium development goals effort: Toward the Viet Nam development goals for water supply and sanitation: A report of the first phase of a planned support initiative (Final report - July 2004)/ WSP.- U.S.A.: WSP, 2004; 30 cm.
(Sanitation; Water quality control; Water supply; ) |Quản lý nguồn nước sạch; |
DDC: 363.7 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1695207. Vietnam sanitation project Hai Phong component.- Washington DC: The World Bank, 2004.- tr.; cm.

DDC: 363.7 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

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