1715488. Governments, industries, and markets: Aspects of government-industry relations in the UK, Japan, West Germany, and the USA since 1945/ Edited by Martin Chick.- Brookfield, Vt., U.S.A.: Elgar, 1990.- viii, 229 p.; 24 cm. (Economic history; Industrial policy; Industrial policy; ) |Chính sách công nghiệp; Phát triển sản xuất; 1945-; Germany (West); Great Britain; | [Vai trò: Chick, Martin; ] DDC: 338.9 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1694855. FAO Report of the twenty-second session of the joint FAO/WHO committee of government experts on the code of principles concerning milk and milk products held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, 5-9 November 1990/ FAO.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1990; 85p.. ISBN: 925103060X (food supply; ) |Cung cấp lương thực; Trng; | DDC: 640 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1704578. RYUTARO, KOMIYA The Japanese economy: Trade, industry, and government/ Ryutaro Komiya.- Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1990.- 396 p.; 24 cm. ISBN: 0860084698 (Commercial policy; Economic policy; Industrial policy; ) |Kinh tế sản xuất; Phát triển kinh tế sản xuất; | DDC: 338.952 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1722250. What's what: In Japan's diet, government, and public agencies.- Tokyo: The Japan Times, 1990.- 165 p.; 21 cm. (Japan; ) |Khoa học chính trị Nhật Bản; Politics and government; | DDC: 320.952 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1703544. Government policies and the diffusion of microelectronics.- Paris: OCED, 1989.- 142 p.; 21 cm. (Microelectechnology and state; Microelectronics; ) |Kỹ nghệ điện tử; | DDC: 621.381 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1665061. The changing role of government research laboratories/ Organisation foe Economic Co-operation and Development.- Paris: Organisation foe Economic Co-operation and Development, 1989.- 73 p.; 23 cm. (Research institutes; ) |Nghiên cứu; | DDC: 338.9 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1715366. AUDRETSCH, DAVID B. The market and the state: Government policy towards business in Europe, Japan, and the United States/ David B. Audretsch.- New York: New York University Press, 1989.- xiv, 325 p.; 24 cm. Includes index (Competition, international; Industrial policy; ) [Japan; ] |Cạnh tranh quốc tế; Phát triển kinh tế; | DDC: 338.9 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1710891. DRUCKER, PETER F. The new realities: In government and politics, in economics and business, in society and world view/ Peter F. Drucker.- New York: Harper & Row, 1989.- 276 p.; 25 cm. ISBN: 0060916990 Tóm tắt: Management guru Drucker discusses some political realities--the governmental and political process, the economy, ecology, economics, and the new knowledge society--in a way only he can. These realities are identified and discussed in order to suggest what we should be thinking about today in order to prepare for tomorrow. Clearly there are limits on what government can do, and there needs to be a rethinking of contemporary economics. Citing from classical as well as contemporary sources, Drucker has brought together a work that will force its readers to think. Recommended for all collections. (Economic history; Information society; World politics; ) |Chính trị thế giới; Xã hội thông tin; 1971- 1990; 1985- 1995; | DDC: 909.8219 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1699375. OECD Biotechnology and the changing role of government/ OECD.- Paris: OECD, 1988.- 125tr.; 24cm. ISBN: 9264130721 (life sciences; ) |Khoa học đời sống; biology; | DDC: 570 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1661018. Government policy towards industry in the United States and Japan/ Edited by John B. Shoven.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.- 354 p.; 24 cm. ISBN: 0521333253 (Industrial policy; ) |Phát triển kinh tế; Japan; | [Vai trò: John B. Shoven; ] DDC: 338.952 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1708420. HOWELL, THOMAS R. Steel and the State: Government Intervention and Steel's Structural Crisis/ Thomas R. Howell {et-all}.- London: Westview Press, 1988.- 580 p.; 26 cm. ISBN: 0813376769 (Govenment policy; Steel industry; Trade; ) |Công nghệ chế biến và dịch vụ; | DDC: 338.4 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1714818. Subcommittee on economy in government of the joint economic committee congress of the United States.- Washington, 1988.- 25 p.; 24 cm. (United States; ) |Ngoại Thương; Commerce; | DDC: 337 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1715369. The Microelectronics race: the impact of government policy on international competition/ Thomas R. Howell ... [et al.].- Boulder: Westview Press, 1988.- xxi, 278 p.: ill.; 23 cm.. ISBN: 0813375517 (International economic relations; ) |Quan hệ kinh tế quốc tế; | DDC: 338.4 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1714878. Comparative government-industry relations: Western Europe, The United States, and Japan/ Edited by Stephen Wilks, Maurice Wright.- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.- xiii, 321 p.; 23 cm. (Industrial policy; Industrial policy; Industrial policy; ) |Chính sách công nghiệp Nhật Bản, Hoa Kỳ, Châu Âu; Europe; Japan; United States; | [Vai trò: Wilks, Stephen; Wright, Maurice; ] DDC: 338.9 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1721415. FLAMM, KENNETH Targeting the computer: Government support and international competition/ Kenneth Flamm.- Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1987.- 266 p.; 24 cm. (Competition, international; Computer industry; Computer industry; ) |Công nghệ máy tính; Kinh doanh máy tính; Government policy; Technological innovations; United States; United States; | DDC: 338.47004 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1719224. List of publications governmental and similars.- 1st.- Tokyo: Government Publications service Center, 1986.- 33p.; 27cm. (bibliography; ) |government; | DDC: 016.34 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1723882. Urban policies in Japan: A review by the OECD Group on Urban Affairs undertaken in 1984/5 at the request of the Government of Japan.- Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1986.- 107 p.: ill.; 23 cm. ISBN: 9789264128866 (Cities and towns; Urban policy; Urban renewal; ) |Chính sách phát triển thành thị; Cộng đồng thành thị; Growth; Japan; Japan; | DDC: 307.760952 /Price: 3875000 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1685100. STEPHAN K BAILEY American politics and government: essays in essentials/ Stephan K Bailey.- 1st.- New York: Basic Books, 1985; 284p.. |Nhà nước và pháp quyền Hoa Kỳ; | DDC: 320 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1723720. Organization of the Government of Japan.- [Tokyo]: Institute of Administrative Management Agency, Prime Ministe, 1985.- 146 p.; 27cm. Tóm tắt: This book provides information about administrative agencies of Japan, organization charts, organization and function of the executive branch,.. (Administrative agencies; Executive departments; ) |Công quyền hành pháp; Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Japan; Japan; | DDC: 354.5204 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1706546. CARNOY, MARTIN A new social contract: The economy and government after Reagan/ Martin Carnoy, Derek Shearer, and Russell Rumberger.- New York: Harper & Row, 1983.- 243 p.; 22 cm. ISBN: 0060151501 (Economic policy; ) |Phát triển kinh tế; | [Vai trò: Rumberger, Russell; Shearer, Derek; ] DDC: 338.973 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |