1699116. Farming systems researvh and development in Thailand (Illusstrated methodological considerations and recent advances).- 1st.- Bangkok, Thailand: Kasetsart Univ, 1990; 212p.. ISBN: 9746053124 (agricultural extension research; agriculture - economic aspects; agriculture - research - on-farm; cropping systems - thailand; farm management; ) |Hệ thống canh tác; Kinh tế nông nghiệp; Phát triển nông nghiệp; | DDC: 338.162 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1728742. Proceedings of the deepwater rice farming systems research planning meeting- Ayrtthaya, Thailand July 16-18,1990: IRRI, 1990.- 233 p.; 26 cm. (Deepwater rice; Rice; ) |Canh tác lúa; | DDC: 633.18917 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1729046. DAR, WILLIAM D. The interaction between research and extension in the context of farming systems development/ William D. Dar, Manuel F. Bonifacio.- Quezon City,Philippines: Agricultural Training Institute, 1990.- 43 p.; 22 cm. Paper presented at the 3rd BAR Anniversary and 9th Bar Conference Danarra Hotel,Quezon City,Philippines August 16, 1990 (Agricultural systems; Agriculture; ) |Hệ thống nông nghiệp; Nghiên cứu nông nghiệp; Research; Philippines; Philippines; | [Vai trò: Bonifacio, Manuel F; ] DDC: 630.9599 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1695474. Training resource book for farming systems diagnosis/ IRRI.- Philippines: IRRI, 1990.- 33 p.; 30 cm. ISBN: 9711042223 (Agriculture; ) |Nông nghiệp; Research; On-farm; | DDC: 630 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1728600. 20 th Asian rice farming systems working group meeting: IRRI, 1989.- 500 p.; 23 cm. (Rice; ) |Nghiên cứu lúa; Research; | DDC: 633.18 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1729262. 20th Asia rice farming systems working group meeting: Report/ International Rice Research Institute.- [Manila]: International Rice Research Institute, 1989.- 497 p.: ill.; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (Cropping systems; ) |Nông nghiệp; Congresses.; Rice; | DDC: 633.18 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1684005. IRRI Rice farming systems new directions/ IRRI.- 1st.- Manila: IRRI, 1989 (farm management; rice; ) |Quản lí nông trại; | DDC: 633.18 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1687639. Rice farming systems: New directions.- 1st.- Philippines: IRRI, 1989; 375p.. ISBN: 9711042118 (agricultural systems; ) |Hệ thống canh tác; | DDC: 633.1884 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1693930. IRRI Filipino women in rice farming systems/ IRRI.- Philippines: IRRI, 1988; 408p.. (women in agriculture; ) |Lao động nữ; Phụ nữ; | DDC: 331.4 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1728660. Green manure in rice farming: Proceedings of a symposium on sustainable agriculture. The role of green manure crops in rice farming systems 25-29 May 1987.- [Philippines]: International Rice Research Institute, in collaboration with, 1988.- 379 p.: ill.; 23 cm.. Cover title: Sustainable agriculture, green manure in rice farming Includes bibliographical references ISBN: 0971041898 Tóm tắt: The book collects papers presented on the symposium on the role of green manure crops in rice farming systems, papers were presented on the present knowledge and practices of green manure utilization in rice-based cropping systems, on the effects on the soil fertility, on the integrated use of forage- and food-legumes in rice-based cropping systems, on germplasm collection and on the production of mung bean and soya bean seed. Recommendations for the research needed and a framework for the research coordination were made (Green manure crops; Rice; ) |Phân bón; Cây lúa; Congresses; Congresses; Fertilizers; | DDC: 633.1889 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1652451. Diagnosis in farming systems research and extension.- Florida: FSSP, 1987; 238p.. FSSP: Farming Systems Support Project (agricultural extension research; farming systems; ) |Hệ thống nông trại; Khuyến nông học; Quản lí nông trại; | DDC: 630 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1695525. Diagnosis, design and analysis in farming systems research and extension.- Florida: FSSP, 1987; 240p.. FSSP: Farming Systems Support Project (agricultural extension research; farming systems; ) |Hệ thống nông trại; Khuyến nông học; Quản lí nông trại; | DDC: 630 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1677069. JOHN S CALDWELL Assessing rainy season vegetable production alternatives: A case study in "upstream" farming systems research/ John S Caldwell, AVRDC.- Taiwan: AVRDC, 1986; 34p.. email: avrdcbox@netra.avrdc.org.tw; WEB:http://WWW.avrdc.org. tw ISBN: 92905800243 (vegetables; ) |Rau quả; | [Vai trò: AVRDC; ] DDC: 635.0072 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1674919. H P GUNASENA Shifting farming: Towards stability: A study of four rainfed farming systems in Sri Lanka/ H P Gunasena, D Temakoon, F Abeyratne.- 1st.- Sri Lanka: Agrarian Research and Training Institute, 1986; 147p.. (farm management; ) |Quản lí nông trại; Sri Lanka; | [Vai trò: D Temakoon; F Abeyratne; ] DDC: 633.085 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1736131. SIMMONDS, NORMAN W. Farming systems research/ Norman W. Simmonds.- Washington, D.C: The World Bank, 1985.- 97 p.: ill.; 30 cm.- (World bank technical paper number 43) ISBN: 0821305662 Tóm tắt: The report on the State of the art of farming systems research reviews the history of this approach and attempts to define its scope, in both a broad and a narrow sense. The paper describles various on farm research procedures, reports on experiences accumulated in this area in different in ternational agriculture research center,... (Agricultural systems; Agricultural systems; Agriculture; Hệ thống nông nghiệp; ) |Nghiên cứu nông trại; Research; Tropics; Research-on-farm; Nghiên cứu; | DDC: 630.72 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1708357. MICHAEL HAINES Introduction to farming systems/ Michael Haines.- 1st.- New York: Longman, 1985; 214p.. ISBN: 0582450810 (eagricultural industries - great britain - ecônmic aspects; ) |Kinh tế nông nghiệp Anh; | DDC: 338.1094 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1703270. Report of the Asian rice farming systems network working group.- Srilanka, 1984; 510p.. (farming systems - Asia; rice; rice - Asia; ) |Canh tác lúa; | DDC: 633.188 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1675691. JENNIE DEY Women in agriculture N.2: Women in rice-farming systems/ Jennie Dey.- 1st.- Rome: FAO, 1984; 105p.. (businesswomen; labor economics; ) |Kinh tế lao động; Lao động phụ nữ; Phụ nữ với nông nghiệp; | [Vai trò: FAO; ] DDC: 331 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1694397. C BARLOW Evaluating technology for new farming systems: Case studies from Philippine rice farms/ C Barlow, E C Price, IRRI, S Jayasurlya.- 1st.- Manila: IRRI, 1983; 110p.. (rice - research; ) |Nghiên cứu lúa; | [Vai trò: IRRI; E C Price; S Jayasurlya; ] DDC: 633.18 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |
1695776. C BARLOW Evaluating technology for new farming systems: case studies from Philippine rice farms/ C Barlow, E C Price, IRRI, S Jayasuriya.- Philippines: IRRI, 1983; 110p.. ISBN: 9711040794 (farming systems; rice; ) |Canh tác lúa; Hệ thống nông trại; | [Vai trò: IRRI; E C Price; S Jayasuriya; ] DDC: 631.18 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU]. |